In this lockdown crisis, the property industry is full of uncertainty and confusion.
With many landlords struggling with tenants not paying rent and empty SA units strategies not producing cash, you need urgent questions answered now.
That’s why, as the UK’s #1 property education company, we're taking leadership of the situation and equipping you to realise that this may be a crisis, but it's an even bigger opportunity. Here is what we’re offering in this free, exclusive online summit:
We will cover:
-What you need to know, do & avoid urgently during these these unprecedented turbulent times in the property industry
-How to Absolutely maximise the next 90 days & take the (hidden) opportunities
-Progressive's new Accelerated Immersion program to help you be first and fastest out of the gate once the lockdown lifts
-What Kevin McDonnell and his inner circle of property investors and clients are doing to minimise loses and disruption whilst maintaining and providing an essential service
-What we predict will happen next and why staying educated now is more important than ever in order to survive (and later thrive)
And much more! Including special guest appearances.
So don't wait, claim your spot now!